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Spend More Qoin and Bartercard
Get Exclusive Member Offers Others Won't See
Big Ticket Assets - Businesses, Property, Vehicles
Transact with other Currencies and Crypto's
Increase Sales and Profits
Q-Trader is an online deals service started in July 2022. We deliver exclusive offers straight to your inbox.
Members are offered part Qoin or Bartercard on purchases from Partner Merchants. Being a Member is simple and easy. They log into their own membership area, browse great deals, click what they want, then 'GrabbaCoupon' and present online or in store before checking out.
It also benefits Partner Merchants. We optimise the deal and help manage the balance of Qoin and Bartercard (plus Cash). In return, more customers are introduced to their business through Q-Trader's growing network.
Overall, it creates a sustainable win-win, where both Members and participating Merchants, are able to regularly spend more Qoin and Bartercard, at the same time, save and increase Customers.
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Our Community
We find Qoin excellent, a great way of introducing new clients to our business and then referral from those clients to other clients that are either Cash or Qoin, so a win win for all. We started with Qoin approximately 3 years ago and we tend to use Qoin when we are either out for dinner, cafes or taking the kids to entertainment places.
Lisa Hazel
Body Mechanix
Having used Qoin Premium for the past couple of years now, I have found it to be an invaluable Tool in my "Advertising & Promotional armoury". As a small business in the Alcohol / Spirits Industry, "Empire Drinks & Cocktail Merchant" has struggled to compete with the bigger companies. Qoin has been able to give us an edge in the marketplace by allowing our new customers to utilize their Crypto reserves as part payment for products available through our website, Our world is changing and the way commerce is done is also evolving
Marc Meder
Cocktail Merchant
I've been using Qoin since 2021. We are blessed with a number of local Qoin businesses in Tauranga and I regularly go out for meals with my family, get my cavoodle groomed, my husband and I get monthly massages, we buy our vegetables in town and I had wonderful treatments from a podiatrist and chiropractor.
Amelia Hirota
Banana Blossom
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